This terrible tragedy was nothing more than a coward trying to harm innocent people. There was no political agenda and the 3 victims who died and the dozens who were maimed, lost limbs or were otherwise injured were only there to watch a marathon on a nice day.
Craig Ferguson said it very well in his monologue the other day (excerpt below):
"Is anyone else sick of this s@#$? I seem to have to say that too often. I have to not say it's a great day for America (which he says in every monologue) for some random act of madness or terrorism."
"People say to me, Craig, your job is to make people laugh at the end of the day,and I think, yes, that's true, but I've never professed to be any damn good at that and the thing is people want to take their mind off it...I don't think it's a terrible thing to not want to think about it, but I can't not think about it. The deal I made with you when I started this show was I'll be as honest as I can be so I have to be honest. I will do the best show we can do, we'll have some laughs, we'll do what we do to a degree, but this is on my mind. I can't pretend it's not there."
"I know people say, Oh, we don't know if it's a terrorist. Yes we do! Whoever did that thing wasn't doing it for any other reason...This was some @#$% that went into a public place and left something there that he knew was gonna blow up. That's not a soldier, that's a terrorist."
"If I have all of this inside of me, if I have all this rage and anger and distress and upset inside of me, I'm not good enough a comedian to hide that from you. I can't hide it from you, it's there."
Full video embedded below.A positive thing that I have been seeing in the days since this incident occurred is how many references to people who ran TOWARDS the event in order to help. As opposed to the degenerates that ran away...
When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.
-Mr. Rogers
Having said all that, the Authorities maintain that "Somebody knows who did this". If anybody in/around Boston recognizes these 2 people of interest (posted below), saw anybody carrying a dark-colored (heavy) nylon bag or backpack in that area (map below) on that day, or anything that can be a clue in this manhunt please contact the FBI at 1-800-CALL-FBI (1-800-225-5324), prompt #3

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